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TC Energy’s commitment to managing pipeline assets safely and responsibly throughout the life cycle includes eventual abandonment when pipelines and associated facilities are no longer necessary for service.

With Canada Energy Regulator (CER or Regulator) (previously the National Energy Board) oversight and approval of our federally-regulated pipelines and facilities, TC Energy ensures sufficient funds are available for pipeline system abandonment and decommissioning activities.

  • These funds are set-aside in abandonment Trusts established for each of the individual larger pipeline companies: TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TCPL), NGTL GP Ltd.,代表NGTL有限合伙公司(NGTL), Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd .担任普通合伙人. (山麓丘陵),跨qu忧郁 & Maritimes Pipeline Inc. (TQM)和Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd. (Keystone).
  • 对于加拿大五大湖管道公司(GLC)来说,信用证是用来为放弃留出资金的.

确保有足够的资金是威尼斯电玩城手游公司对土地所有者的整体承诺的一部分, 土著人民和社区确保威尼斯电玩城手游的资产安全、负责任地退休. 威尼斯电玩城手游管理这笔资金,并定期向监管机构报告资金状况.

有关此过程的财务方面的更多信息,请访问 CER’s website.


威尼斯电玩城手游公司决定物理退役或放弃任何资产时, the appropriate notifications or applications are filed with the Regulator for any necessary approvals that may be required before the work can commence. 在它们生命周期的最后, pipeline assets are taken out of service with as much thought and care as when new facilities are proposed and constructed. 威尼斯电玩城手游遵循CER的临终计划流程. 更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载管道生命周期的信息可以在 our website.

威尼斯电玩城游戏下载什么是放弃联邦监管的管道的信息, the Regulator’s role, and how you can participate in the Regulator’s assessment of a company’s proposed abandonment project can also be accessed on the Regulator’s website.


The funds required for abandonment and decommissioning of pipeline assets are based on carefully prepared abandonment cost estimates (ACEs). 监管机构向公众承诺, all landowners, 土著人民和有关利益攸关方将定期审查成本估算, 至少每五年进行一次,以确保有足够的资金. 监管机构审查有关建议弃置方法的假设的合理性, 每项放弃活动的范围和理由, 各种活动的估计费用, 以及意外事件的估计方法和事后放弃准备.  

TCPL, NGTL, Foothills, TQM和Keystone于2016年向监管机构提交了最新的ace, 哪些是2018年批准的. 这些最新获批的ace可在监管机构的网站上找到,网址如下: 


2021年12月,CER启动了对所有CER监管管道的ace的审查. 与此审查有关的信息可在 CER website.


监管机构批准了适用于每个TCPL的信托协议, NGTL, Foothills, TQM and Keystone.

参见监管机构决定,其中包括威尼斯电玩城游戏下载的信托协议 CER’s website.

Annual reporting

TC Energy files Annual Abandonment Reporting Forms for each of the pipeline systems that have established Trusts with the Regulator. In addition, independent auditors review the annual financial statements of each Trust and provide an opinion as to whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, 本信托在年底时的财务状况及业绩. 这种报告为土地所有者提供了更大的透明度, Indigenous peoples, members of the public, 和其他利益相关者,提供该年度实际收集的金额以及信托余额. It also helps demonstrate that any investment decisions have complied with the Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) applicable to each pipeline system (see below for further information on the SIPP).  Annual reporting can be found at the bottom of this page and is filed with the Regulator by April 30 of each year for year-end performance of the prior year.

Trust investments

用于管道废弃的资金由指定的受托人根据SIPPs进行投资, similar to a pension fund. 每个适用管道的当前SIPP都向监管机构备案. SIPP的任何变更都将反映在向监管机构提交的修订文件中.

The purpose of the SIPP is to communicate the investment guidelines and monitoring procedures appropriate to the objectives of the Trust and in accordance with the Regulator’s MH-001-2013搁置和回收机制决定的理由.








对于建立信托基金来资助废弃和退役活动的公司, 信托基金的资金可用于资助合资格的活动(称为填海义务)。, 须经监管机构批准. Companies typically pre-fund reclamation activities and seek reimbursement from their respective Trusts for the costs incurred for reclamation obligations, 须经监管机构监督及批准.


Annual reporting 

GLC is the only company under TC Energy that uses a Letter of Credit to ensure there is sufficient funding for any future abandonment activities. 它每年根据《威尼斯电玩城手游》的要求向监管机构报告其信用证的状况 MH-001-2013搁置和回收机制决定的理由. Annual reporting forms can be found in the following section and are due to the Regulator by January 31 each year.




Regulatory contact

Local 1-403-292-4800 1-403-292-5503
Toll-Free 1-800-899-1265 1-877-288-8803



Ways to reach us

如果你对这个项目有任何疑问, 请通过以下威尼斯电玩城手游与威尼斯电玩城手游联系. 

TC Energy
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1
1-800-661-3805 Toll-Free (North America)